

  • Its professional management
  • Experienced and capable workforce
  • Dedicated customer service team members
  • Focused operation team leaders
  • Sound financial resources
  • Excellent rapport with bankers and financial institutions, government, port authorities, customs and related inter exchange regulations bodies.

TICC through its connections with the mandarins of the trade and above all, the support and good wishes of its esteemed customers, is assured to touch pinnacles of complete logistics and provides customized solutions to every client without interruption to the customers core activity.

TICC customers count on its reliable team of above 100 experienced group of staff members. We conduct regular in house training programs; we also conduct workshops for our customers.
Its qualified staff includes those qualified in custom category I / II Examination, Airline (Basic industry And Dangerous Goods Regulation Training).

TICC in its constant pursuit of excellence to provide internationally recognised services to its customers and counterparts we are accredited membership of may worldwide agents network.

TICC has based its business on the belief that profitability goes hand in hand with practices that not only minimise waste but also promote savings to its customer as well as its partners around the world.

TICC has a single minded devotion for service to its customers so any complaints received is taken personally for giving maximum customer satisfaction.

As we say : "Maintain the market leadership position by providing our clients value added services and business solutions that maximise profits."